Thursday, November 29, 2007

What a busy , busy , day!!!

So I was off of work today finally!!!! It has felt like an eternity. Anyway got my grocery shopping done, went and had a good workout at the gym with my hubby and we even had a nice lunch! I started christmas shopping today! I must be really sick or exhusted or something because my normal shopping routine starts around december 20th! I went to the new Target ( I love it) and wanted to get some more really cute calanders to scrapbook with for gifts, my friend had made a really cute one! But they were all out ( I bet I know who bought most of them!! ) Anyway I did not get a chance to create wonderfully glorious things today. I hope to finsih my x-mas cards tomorrow but I am on-call the weekend! You remember the little black box that taunts you!!! Well I hope everyone had a great day and I have no idea when I will get to write again!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

hope your weekend on call wasn't too horrible, and yes I remember that black box very well..LOL..and I DID NOT buy up all the calendars at target...LOL..hope to see you soon