Sunday, January 13, 2008

What a Party!!!

Hello everyone! So last night was the fire dept's christmas party. It always starts out as a family dinner, awards are given out and the DJ starts playing music the grandparents and babysitters start arriving to pick up the children and then of course the drinks start flowing! My personal choice of drinks is wine. Lets just say I had way to much wine and it was a great night!!! I am feeling a bit tired and hung over today. Now I remember why I don't drink very often!!!!! There was a lot drunk fire fighters last night but don't worry all of them had a DD to take them home! Well thats all for tonight I need to go to bed you sleep a lot better when the room is not spinning!!! Hope to see you all tomorrow I'm on call so I don't know how late I will have to work!! Here are a few pictures from last night!!! Let's just say it involved saran wrap!!!!


Amy said...

so glad you had such a great'll have to explain the saran wrap thing..and you look cute!

Maria said...

Glad you had fun at the party. Looks a little wild there! I can't believe you posted AFTER the party. But don't worry, you didn't say anything silly, ha ha.