Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Friday

So I made through another week of work. For some reason it just felt like a long week. Still waiting to see pictures of the puppy I might add to my family! I am not a very patient person so I really want to see those pictures that was supposed to be sent!!! My sweet baby either has cold or his 2 year molars are making an appearance. Very cranky and just cried for like 2 hours!! So like any good mom I got out the pajamas, gave him his binky, got a pillow and blanket laid of the couch, cuddled a little while and then BAM !@!!! Happy baby once again ( it did help he had tylenol and cold medicine). I have a busy day of shopping and volunteering at our local mall for my work!!! Well I am tired and feel like I need to lay on the couch and catch up on all my shows that I taped!!! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Amy said...

you're so did you get the puppy or are you a dog killer? LOL...hope Owie's feeling better!